Monday, January 24, 2005

Its good to be home.

I spent the last two weeks in the US (well mostly) tying up some loose ends and making new connections. Hectic. I ask myself though, why the hell am I in the office today? I usually take the day off when I get back...recharge batteries. Just goes to show, bad habits die hard.

Apologies to all who were checking the blog, I didnt have an Internet connection for most of the trip (and I work with data), so only checked the site once or 2wice.

Got into the driveway, my dogs were all over me, my cousin cooked italian, it was heaven, then I couldn't sleep. It feels good to be back in my own bed though, hearing familiar sounds, even if its the neighbour's spawn of Satan Cujo, baying at the moon.

Suitcases all over the dining room, stuff to be sorted, a million things to do. I have been all over the globe and I can tell you from experience...there is no place like home here in Trinidad. I'll have to post of some experiences this trip, let me get my thoughts together, and some sleep. See y'all later...!

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