Monday, January 31, 2005


I think Trinidad and Tobago's's culture is based on the rhythm of festivities, rather than the frenetic sense of time that works for other countries. A comfortable alternative. This time around...its alternate universe for two days.

Volumes of essays have been written about Trinidad carnival, so I won't go into the origins, analysis, or the ethnic diaspora that gives our carnival its unique flavor.

Two words: No Barriers

Carnival is an extension of the way we live through the year, ending in two furious days that is Carnival Monday and Tuesday, then start over. We laugh, play and work hard all year, but for two days, we forget.

We forget that our lives are intertwined with the almighty dollar, that our responsibilities are really ours and need the requisite attention. We forget that the sun is scorchingly hot but remember, the coldest beer is a roadside stand away.

We forget lines of authority, company CEO's and proverbial janitors jump to the music side by side. We forget money, or lack of it, because the next drink or meal is a familiar face away. We forget who has more money, because the only thing you can barter with is your place in the concession stand line. For two days, our President, Max Richards is in his element, he loves carnival and is our first president of the republic to host his own carnival fete and gets in trouble for it.

We forget that we can order the chaos that is Trinidad and Tobago if we could see beyond the barriers the other 363 days of the year. Just like Carnival.

Its amazing to see, a river of colour in the distance, moving from one side of the road to the next, in time to the music, knowing that there are black, white, brown, rich, poor, indifferent moving to a common theme. Carnival. From "Carne", flesh, "Vale", goodbye.


Trini said...

"So when yuh see is J'ouvert and yuh hearing the sound of steelband, that is carnival
Just find a bottle and pick up anything and make a rhythm section, that is carnival
When you're out in the street, is de way we does greet. Wave yuh rag lift your feet. Show me more. Show me more
Start the jumping, ....waving ....wining, that is Carnival!" (performed by Fay Ann Lyons)Nice blog!

Hangover Cure said...

I love this blog. Hangover Cure