Monday, December 06, 2004


It seems like I haven't posted in a month, but its only been 4 days. Nothing of real consequence happened except that my house is spotless and prettified for Christmas, christmas tree decorated, no kids to ogle at it yet though except the neighbours' spawn of Satan.

I think I'll dedicate this post to Things I Dont Understand.

Spork, not to be confused with foon. If I wanted a spoon, I'd ask nicely for one.

Car Indicators: I swear that car indicators are very expensive accessories that don't come with the purchase of your car and there's a heavy tax on its usage, you pay in USD by the blink.

Why is the targeted killing of terrorists and their supporters lauded when done by the United States in Iraq, but not when done by Israel whose civilians face a daily threat of terror attacks?

Did you ever notice when you Google for Trinidad, you get Trinidad Colorado, the surgical sex change capital of the world?

Why Japan is the foremost producer of the steelpan when it was invented here?

Why do women in the same location experiencing PMS, always gang up on you.

Why I missed Orange Sky last Friday.

Trinidad Companies require experience from last years UWI grads.

Why our banks won't finance ideas.

Why our politicians constantly play the race card, and why we always let them.

...Go figure...if you have others, please add them to comments...


Anonymous said...

I have the answers to 2 of your questions.

Banks won't finance ideas because they are risk-averse
and companies don't want UWI grads straight out of school becasue they behave like arrogant, know-it-all snots.

So you can rest comfortably now and go contemplate more mysteries of the universe.

Ana - Independence of Mind

Jon451 said...

I unnerstand Ana, but banks require security. My experience is that if you have a surefire niche market idea as a young entrepreneur, there is no way that the banks will take equity in your business in lieu of security in order to make it work. I think it stifles growth and local development. Maybe your skills as a banker could help me understand better. Dont worry, I wont hire a UWI grad either, I was just remembering a past experience sending resumes: one of my cousins is going through the hoops now. She has yet to pay her just dues. Thanks for commenting!!!!