Tuesday, February 22, 2005

News for today

Happy International World Thinking Day to all...!!! click.

Isn't this back asswards for Lent ...?? $$$ for small fowl.

Earthquake in Iran, kills 270. Betcha someone blames this on a nuclear test. click.

Man changes name to "They". I guess "they" did it again. click.


Jaime said...

If that's the case and you just collect all these things, I'll start sending my stuff over to you lol. Instead of me just deleting or erasing it from memory. still shaking my head at you. :)

Anonymous said...

Damn, why didn't I think of "They" when I was changing MY name a few years ago? I did flirt with the idea of just one name like "Prince"...well, "Princess" in my case byt I know allyuh trini would laugh your asses off at me. They wouldn't do that thoughh...LOL.

Ana - Independence of Mind

Jon451 said...

who me...???? laugh....???? nevah....!! *smirk*

Hangover Cure said...

Another great article Jon, thanks! Hangover Cure