Friday, November 26, 2004

Just a thought

Butterflies, panic, hearing your heart thumping like it was going to burst out of your chest. Wobbly knees, fight or flight response kicking in... The feeling of something caught in your throat, unshed tears in your eyes. We've all been there. Remember?

Sometimes, first times lead to very embarrassing moments, some are so wonderful that it stays with us forever. What about personal first times? First time you realised you will die, someday...or like when you wondered if you should tell your first crush that you really, really, really like them.

The first time you held on to something so hard, it slipped through your fingers.

Remember your first job? First lover... first time you had weird sex, first time you spent quality time with someone who didn't really want to get into your underwear but liked you for who you were? The first time you made someone happy. The first time you laughed so hurt.

The first time you got into a fight... :-)

The first time you were so caught up in the moment, people were staring at you. The first time $100.00 was so much money, you didn't know what to do with it. The first (of many) times you put your foot in your mouth.

The first movie that made you cry. The first time you saw the beauty of a child discovering something for the very first time. The first time a "wicked" plan comes together.

The first time you saw dolphins escorting the boat to Tobago.

The first time somebody told you..."Everything's going to be okay", and you believed them. The first time you truly recognised the value of a person.

Sometimes we get so caught up in today that we fail to recognise, yesterday's lesson. Just a thought.


Anonymous said...

hey ... been reading your archives and came across this post again ...

just a note to say ... its one of the most wonderful things I've read with lots of spesh messages and words of wisdom in it.

xxx Lisa xxx

Hangover Cure said...

This really is one of your better postings. It holds up very well 5 years later. Good stuff!Hangover Cure